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[vdr] Tip: use automount as a better autofs/supermount!


I played some hours with my living room movie-pc to find a better way for 
handling the dvd drive. After some frustrating tests with autofs and not that 
good experiences with the supermount kernel patch I remembered the autorun 

I think autorun fits all our needs for disk handling on standalone media pcs.

You get it from

You need a  fstab-setup like:
/dev/dvd         /mnt/dvd iso9660  noauto,ro,user,exec  0 0

and start autorun at the end of your system-boot procedure, in gentoo linux 
its in /etc/conf.d/local.start:

/usr/bin/autorun -m /dev/dvd&
/usr/local/bin/runvdr -s /usr/local/bin/vdrshutdown&

so its just before you start vdr.

Now mounting/unmounting of your dvd-drive is event driven: Your CD-directory 
is mounted when you access your disk and you get your disk when you press the 
eject button.

Hope you like it :-)



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