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[vdr] Re: summer / wintertime: 24h-recording

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> Uwe Heinrich wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I found something nice:
> > recording from epg: start 2:30 am (dst) end 3:14 am (dst) or 2:14
> > am ( in winter time)
> Can you verify exactly whether the end time was 3:14 am or 2:14 am?
> This makes all the difference. A timer from 2:30 am to 2:14 am will
> record 23 hours and 44 minutes, while one from 2:30 am to 3:14 am
> will record just 44 minutes. Well, with the DST switch things are a
> little more complicated: the 2:30 am to 3:14 am timer will start at
> 2:30 and record for half an hour. Then the time is set back to 2:00,
> so it will stop recording, until it gets 2:30 again. Then it will
Oops, you are right.

> record its 44 minutes until 3:14. The 2:30 am to 2:14 am timer on the
> other hand will also start recording at 2:30, and after half an hour,
> restart at 2:30 and record all the way until 2:14 next day.

I think this would fix the start/stop/start problem:
--------------------------------  snip  --------------------------------------
--- vdr-1.1.14-api-v3/timers.c	Sun Oct 20 14:28:55 2002
+++ vdr-1.1.14-api-v3-test/timers.c	Tue Oct 29 03:18:51 2002
@@ -319,7 +319,9 @@
      startTime = firstday; // just to have something that's more than a week in the future
   else if (t > startTime || t > firstday + SECSINDAY + 3600) // +3600 in case of DST change
      firstday = 0;
-  return active && startTime <= t && t < stopTime; // must stop *before* stopTime to allow adjacent timers
+  return active && (startTime <= t || recording) && t < stopTime; // must stop *before* stopTime to allow adjacent timers
 time_t cTimer::StartTime(void)
--------------------------------  snip  --------------------------------------

If a timer has started recording, it will not stop until stopTime has been reached.
This should also help when the system time is being adjusted during a recording.
(IIRC, someone reported a problem related to that some time ago.)


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