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[vdr] Re: ANNOUNCE: VdrTetris-Plugin-0.1.1
Am Sam, 2002-11-02 um 00.41 schrieb Clemens Kirchgatterer:
> VdrTetris-Plugin is a little OSD game for the latest
> VDR development release (1.1.14). Be aware, that the
> plugin is currently not to be called stable. It "has"
> bugs and it will probably crash your machine.
> You have been warned! :-)
Some minor problems:
- Sometimes red blocks stays back in the air
- If I press 'Up' fast enough then I can move the piece up (I don't know
if this is a real bug, but it makes the game a little too easy)
- Going into mainmenu or changing volume mixes up the OSD (even after
closing tetris) and the currently displayed videostream.
- The plugin won't let me loose :-)
Beside of that it works really well here.
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