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[vdr] Re: prefmenu-patch for vdr 1.1.14

On Wed, 06 Nov 2002 18:02:02 +0100
"Olivier JACQUES" <> wrote:

> Hi list,
> I adapted Maxime's plugin (prefermenu - 
> to run on VDR-1.1.14. I think
> it should also work with VDR-1.1.15 but I didn't tested it.
> In addition, I added a small feature: when the menu is opened it is 
> positionned on the channel which is the closest to the current
> channel. Also, I wanted to thanks Maxime for his work: I really like
> the look of this plugin :)
> Please refer to Maxime's web site for all details.
> Olivier.

The patch does not work for me:

user@host:~/vdr/src/prefermenu-0.3.0$ cat pref_patch | patch -p1
patching file Makefile
patch: **** malformed patch at line 10: DVBDIR =

And a question:
Is still necessary to patch VDR whith the very little diff by prefermenu


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