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[vdr] Re: vdr2divx problem

Martin Hoffmann wrote:
> Okay, then it seems that the recording format indeed does differ :-/
> @Klaus:
> Any idea how we can figure out what's the difference ?
> Martin

I just double checked again, but the only place where I could even imagine
a change would be remux.c - and there hasn't been any change between version
1.0.4 and 1.1.6 that would affect the recorded data.

Maybe the difference is in the driver? After all, VDR 1.0.4 and 1.1.16 use
rather different driver versions. One thing you could do it to test with VDR
version 1.1.14. That's the last one that could be used with the "old" driver
or the "NEWSTRUCT" driver.

So please run VDR 1.1.14 with the driver


where you should compile VDR _without_ NEWSTRUCT=1 for the first one, and
_WITH_ NEWSTRUCT=1 for the second one. Make some recordings with these
combinations and check with which it works (if at all).


> > > Mhh, how can we dig this out !?
> > >
> > > @Gerald: Did you use cutted VDR recordings or fresh (uncutted) recordings
> > > !? I remember the discussion a few months (?) ago - and it turned out to
> > > only appear with uncutted recordings - however with 1.0.4 (at least here)
> > > i never had this problem, neither cutted nor uncutted ! Could you please
> > > report !?
> >
> > Both versions (the cutted and the uncutted) cannot be encoded, if using vdr
> > 1.1.16. If using 1.0.4 however, no problems exists! Finally if use your
> > suggested workaround, encoding of records made by vdr 1.1.6 is possible (of
> > course for only one vdr file).
> >
> > cu,
> > Gerald.

Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
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