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[vdr] Re: nvram-wakeup and Elitegroup motherboard

Sergei Haller wrote:

>On Sun, 1 Dec 2002, Matthias Raus (MR) wrote:
>MR> Hi list,
>MR> I  just  installes  nvram-wakup-package, I think it's excellent, but I
>MR> have  still one problem with it: After the time for the next wakeup is
>MR> set in the BIOS by nvram-wakeup, my PC will not turn off, neither with
>MR> the   "poweroff"   or   "shutdown   -h   now"  command  nor  with  the
>MR> PowerOff-kernel  I  installed.  When I remove the wakeup time from the
>MR> BIOS  (an AWARD 6.0 BIOS, version 3.2b), the PC switches off again. Is
>MR> this  a  BIOS  bug? Or hve I done something wrong?
>you can simply check that: just set some wakeup time in your BIOS (without
>using   nvram-wakeup)   and   see   if  you  can  shutdown  your  PC  with
>shutdown/poweroff.  If  not,  you  may  have  to experiment with different
>kernel options (see APM and/or ACPI).
Hi, I don't think it's the kernel's fault, because I can shutdown the PC 
normally when there is NO wakeup time in the BIOS.

>BTW.:  did  you  use  one  of the predefined mainboard settings or did you
>create new settings yourself?
>c ya
>        Sergei
In the BIOS, I use mainly predefined values, except that I had to turn 
off ACPI function in order to solve an IRQ conflict in Windows XP. The 
problem is just that the wakeup time in the BIOS prevents the PC from 
switching off.

Thanks for your help,


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