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[vdr] Re: ÿso-8859-1?q?ÿSO-8859-1?Q?OT:_Grönemayer_on_ARD??

On Monday 02 December 2002 09:53, you wrote:
> Hi,
> did someone record the Grönemayer Concert on Saturday night on ARD. I
> missed the first 3 minutes. So if someone could send it (the 3 min only) to
> me it would be really great !!!
> Thanks in advance
> Joachim

Is it the live konzert on expo 2000 in hannover ? than it will be showed on 
MTV on 22.12.02/23:00. If it is another one, I've missed it and it would be 
great if anyone did a svcd from it (would love to have it, please PM me if 
anyone did so)



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