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[vdr] cutting frame accurate in VDR?

This subject was discussed before. See what Klaus said about frame 
accurate cutting integrated in VDR:

>  > >If you want to connect two clips with reencoded starts/ends you have a
>  > >problem, because the GOP-sequence is not circular and you get a "jitter
>  > >effect" at the editpoint.
>  >
>  > Can't this jitter effect be avoided? Isn't this the goal of the not closed
>  > GOP-mode (but I think for DVD authoring you need closed GOP).
>  >
>  > Wouldn't it be possible to reencode the (B/P) frames in the cut GOP as
>  > I-Frames to avoid the jitter effect at the editpoint (for example:
>That would have been my first idea, too.
>However, I haven't yet found any code that converts a GOP into
>all I-frames. If we were able to perform that conversion, I believe
>doing the cutting the way you described shouldn't be a problem.

Maybe someone knows how to convert a GOP into all I-frames? Then 
maybe frame accurate cutting could be integrated in VDR, that would 
be the nicest solution anyway...


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