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[vdr] Re: MPlayer v0.90pre10 and subtitler

Hello Adie,

What I can say is :

- thers is some Teletext Subtitle Support in VDR using a patch I made 
for VDR v1.0.4. It is using OSD to display subtitles (

- I have no time (plan) to adapt this code to move to a VDR plugin as I 
need original firmware and a modified DVB driver ( 
to have SECA2 Aston CAM working with VDR and recording second Audio PID.

- Concerning MPlayer : my patch is generating subtitle file format 
compatible with MPlayer Code.

Sorry I don't have much time to write more on this topic right now.

Hope this helps.


Adis Salcin wrote:
> ppl please if someone know how to do this write me, cant belive nobody
> know this i have tried a lot of thing but no sucess no subtitler out
> truth dvb card onyl audio and video
> -------------------------------- 
> Adis SalĨin,                    |
> IT Computers (Mostar) - Servis  |
>      |
> --------------------------------

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