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[vdr] Re: MPlayer v0.90pre10 and subtitler

SB> On Wednesday 04 December 2002 17:50, you wrote:
>> ppl please if someone know how to do this write me, cant belive nobody
>> know this i have tried a lot of thing but no sucess no subtitler out
>> truth dvb card onyl audio and video
SB> Hmm you have to adapt your in order to do this, since
SB> 1) you have to load the subtitle-file
SB> 2) you have to use -vop expand=.... with the fifth value at 1 to enable OSD => 
SB> subtitles trough mpegpes(dvb)

well i load first DVB driver then type this
mplayer -vo mpegpes -ao mpegpes -vop lavc, expand=720:576,scale 720:400 -sub somesub.sub someavi.avi

i got audio and vidoe but subtitler no and when starting mplayer it
sez that it get subtitles line ***, subrip format etc, but there is no
subtitler on tvout, and other thing is that i cant get all character
that are in iso 8859-2 like ŠšŽž i only get _ _ _ _ when this caracter
comes and this working fine ĐđČčĆć.

for Patrick,
well i didnot understand you well but for example i wont play divx
with subtitler on tv-output :), other this is there a way to add
subtitler in global for example on sat1 there is german moive and i
have subtitler on my first language, i play it when movie start and
watch with translate :P there is something like that for Multidec 9.0
is it subtitler 1.05 and it work fine :P i have source of 1.04 so if
you need i will email you with it to make something liek that

thnx to all :P

Adis Salčin,                    |
IT Computers (Mostar) - Servis  |      |

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