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[vdr] OOPS and recoding problems

Hallo everybody,
I'm using the latest 1.1.18 and dvb driver 1.12.2002 from cadsoft ftp site, 
the only loaded plugin is remote with Hauppauge DVB-S 2.1

Whenever I start a recording, the following errors occour (while recording, I 
also see a lot of "pixelisation" on the screen and audio is bad too), the 
recording is unusable, video is completely disturbed (but audio is almost 

Thanks for helping.



dic  6 13:23:30 localhost vdr[1574]: VDR version 1.1.18 started
dic  6 13:23:30 localhost vdr[1574]: loading plugin: 
dic  6 13:23:30 localhost vdr[1574]: loading /video/setup.conf
dic  6 13:23:30 localhost vdr[1574]: loading /video/sources.conf
dic  6 13:23:30 localhost vdr[1574]: loading /video/diseqc.conf
dic  6 13:23:30 localhost vdr[1574]: loading /video/channels.conf
dic  6 13:23:30 localhost vdr[1574]: loading /video/timers.conf
dic  6 13:23:30 localhost vdr[1574]: loading /video/commands.conf
dic  6 13:23:30 localhost vdr[1574]: loading /video/ca.conf
dic  6 13:23:30 localhost vdr[1574]: loading /video/remote.conf
dic  6 13:23:30 localhost vdr[1574]: found 1 video device
dic  6 13:23:30 localhost vdr[1574]: starting plugin: remote (0.0.1): Remote 
dic  6 13:23:30 localhost vdr[1574]: setting primary device to 1
dic  6 13:23:30 localhost vdr[1574]: SVDRP listening on port 2001
dic  6 13:23:46 localhost vdr[1574]: switching to channel 1
dic  6 13:23:50 localhost vdr[1574]: switching to channel 2
dic  6 13:24:01 localhost vdr[1574]: timer 1 start
dic  6 13:24:01 localhost vdr[1574]: record 
Dec  6 13:24:05 localhost kernel: buffer empty
Dec  6 13:24:18 localhost kernel: GPIO0 irq oops
Dec  6 13:24:24 localhost kernel: buffer empty
dic  6 13:24:24 localhost vdr[1574]: confirm: Fermo la registrazione?
dic  6 13:24:26 localhost vdr[1574]: confirmed
dic  6 13:24:26 localhost vdr[1574]: timer 1 stop
dic  6 13:24:26 localhost vdr[1574]: deleting timer 1
Dec  6 13:24:26 localhost kernel: buffer empty
dic  6 13:24:28 localhost vdr[1574]: switching to channel 3
dic  6 13:24:28 localhost vdr[1574]: switching to channel 3
dic  6 13:24:29 localhost vdr[1574]: switching to channel 2
dic  6 13:25:12 localhost vdr[1574]: confirm: Cancello la registrazione?
dic  6 13:25:13 localhost vdr[1574]: confirmed
dic  6 13:25:13 localhost vdr[1574]: deleting recording 
Alessandro Pasotti

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