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[vdr] ANNOUNCE: console plugin vdr-console-0.2.1

The new version 0.2.1 of the console plugin for the developer version of
VDR is now available from: 

Changes since version 0.1.0:

- Now the plugin can be compiled with gcc 3.2. 
- Uses now an own font for the console window with special
  characters for ASCII graphics mode. The small font provides
  up to 80x25 chars on the screen. (You have to adjust your
  OSD size to reach this).
- Supports switching the character set to special graphics
  char set for 7bit applications.
  -> Programs like YAST or Midnight Commander are working
     corretly :-)
- The attribute underscore is now supported. 
- The new optional mode "compress text" reduces the space
  between the chars and brings more chars to the screen. 
- The "Auto enter keyboard capture mode" is now deactivatable. 
- The duration for displaying the bell is now configurable. 
- The colors wich should be used are configurable. 
- Removed a bug that occured with more colors as the OSD can

Please note:
- The plugin uses its own implementation of cRemote for keyboard
  support. So you must not compile VDR with REMOTE=KBD !!! If you
  want to use your keyboard also as remote controller then use 

    REMOTE=NONE and start vdr with:    ./vdr -P"console -r"

  instead. The plugin then manages a keyboard capture mode. With
  this you can switch between "keyboard as remote controller" or
  "keyboard for input to a console". (More infos in the README).


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