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[vdr] Re: vdr2dvd version 0.3 recodes my movies ;-(

--Am Monday, December 09, 2002 22:04:24 +0100 schrieb Gregoire Favre
<> :

> Hello,
> I am trying to make a dvd out of 3 recordings:
> -n -c dir1 dir2 dir3 and I got:
> processing 001.vdr
> INFO: using reference profile (DVD)
> INFO: profile type is (PAL)
> encoding frames [000000-040088],   6.10 fps, EMT: 0:26:43, ( 5| 1| 1)
> And it's still running... and it's really long (on my computer
> vdr->divx is about 30 fps in most cases...).

MPEG2-encoding is much slower with bbmpeg than encoding to divx,
especially on higher bitrates. In Version 0.3.1 I reduced the max.
bitrate to 5000 kBits/s but that doesn't speed it up much. It just
helps getting more than 100 min. to a DVD.
> Any idea of what I do wrong? I was thinking the -c option should do
> the trick...

If your player can replay other H-res than 480,704 and 720 you don't
have to transcode the stream. Yes -c should do that, ... but
unfortunately it does not ....
I'll upload a new version fixed this. 

> I don't need to produce a real DVD as my player could even play the
> mpeg2 files (but with 3-4 seconds A/V outsync...).

You mean your raw vdr-recordings are out of sync? Or after


Dirk Hartmann

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