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[vdr] Re: vdr-1.1.15_&_mp3-0.7.8 & MPlayer-0.90rc1 nothing on screen

On Thursday 12 December 2002 13:50, you wrote:
> Dirk Wiebel wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > > When i start playing a file from vdr menu i only get a grap.mpg but
> > > nothing on the screen.
> > >
> > > starts mplayer with:
> > > |mplayer -vo mpegpes -vc mpegpes -slave -quiet -nolirc $file
> > >
> > > Any hints?
> You have to rescale you video to f.e. 352:288 before sending them to DVB
> card.
> f.e.:
> -vop lavc,scale=352:288
> try this
No thats simply not true. As stated mpegpes(dvb) has to be compiled in, thats 
all. The second I don't understand is '-vc mpegpes' with this mplayer will 
try to play the file with mpegpes-decoder. mplayer should recognize the 
fileformat himself better ...

> basq

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