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[vdr] AW: Re: video data stream broken on device 2

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: []Im Auftrag
> von Christian Vogt
> Gesendet am: Sonntag, 15. Dezember 2002 15:16
> An:
> Betreff: [vdr] Re: video data stream broken on device 2
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Stephan Bieker" <>
> > Hi,
> >
> > i have great problems while recording anything with my plain vanilla
> 1.1.19
> > vdr.
> > (...)
> > and for irq-usage
> > (...)
> >  10:     210975          XT-PIC  saa7146(0), saa7146(1)
> Such a setup doesn't work for me, but some ppl on this list said
> it would do
> fine with their systems. I have to assign a separate irq line for each of
> the DVB cards to get reliable results.
> I can't imagine how this "irq sharing issue" could cause problems like
> yours, but maybe you can try assigning an own irq for second card? Seems
> like there are some spare irqs on your machine...

I now have both cards at different interrupts and they do not share an
interrupt with any other card. It is the same effect. Every time a recording
starts, vdr exits with this "emergency exit", after "video data stream
broken on device 2" apperars.

No luck at all.

Gruss / Danke


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