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[vdr] Re: direct access to vdr recording on CD or DVD

Hey - 

thatæ„€ no Problem at all...

Here i use exact what you want to do !
For directly playback a VDR-REcording from DVD-R i use the linux
Automounter in combination with a symlink to  /video0 (not 1-9!)

To record a VDr-Recording i use a couple of Scripts wich collect 
everything into a TEMPDIR and burn it "on the FLY" to a DVD-R/RW.

The only thing wich takes some time is the cutting and the copy to the TEMP-DIR
But all this runs in Background so itæ„€ not realy a problem.

If you have further Questions feel free to contact me

> would it be possible to directly replay a vdr recording from
> CD or DVD?
> It would be great to store a movie on a DVD-RW (without
> converting it, just store the directory structure on the
> DVD) and start it directly from DVD.

> Would it work with a symbolic link e.g. /video9 -> DVD
> (maybe created by automount), if I have only /video0 and
> /video1?
> How could this be done?

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