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[vdr] Re: AW: Re: OT: size of svcd?

> > The test agreed with what I have heard before several times:
> > by far the best encoder is TMPGEnc, the tsunami MPEG encoder.
> It is sure one of the best _affordable_ Encoders, but it is really far
> away
> from the CinemaCraft Encoder. The drawback of the latter is surely the
> price
> of roundabout 2500 bucks. But you are right if you mean, that we would
> happy with the quality of TMPGEnc.
> Stephan

Your comments about CCE are not really correct. I made some detailed
tests and it is clear that CCE is much faster, but if you have a picture
with lot of details, CCE generates more JPEG artefacts compared to
TMPGEnc. On the other side, videos made with CCE tend to 'pump' because
of major B-frame degrading.
But this is all a thing of appropriate settings. TMPGEnc tends to be
more configurable, and if you are German, take a look at for further comments on TMPGEnc and CCE.
Concerning bbmpeg: Don“t use this one because it lacks of navigation
information that is needed for enabling working Rewind or Forward
functions on DVD/SVCD. Again a german page:


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