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[vdr] Re: Child protection / access control module

> There are four possibilities which come to my mind (at the
> moment)
> - Use two channels.conf (one for your children, one for you)
> Problem: "YOU" always have to remember to change (rename)
> the channels.conf, when you aren't around.
> - Use a login password for linux.
> Problem: You need some way of entering the password via
> a remote or you need a keyboard (something which doesn't
> fit a living room atmosphere ;o))
> - Install two sessions of vdr and run a bash script during which
> there is a delay in which you can enter a code via remote. If
> you enter no code (or a wrong one) it starts the VDR with the
> children's version of channels.conf. If you enter the right code
> it will start the VDR version with a "full" channels.conf

Those suggestions are all great and working, but there is another point
that comes into my mind: Getting a possibility to receive Premiere
legally without bigger costs.
One of the points for becoming a 'Premiere certified' receiver is as far
as I know a working child protection with PIN code like the original
DBox has. But wouldn´t this rather be a topic for the developers of the


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