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[vdr] Re: VIA C3 800Mhz

On Saturday 21 December 2002 15:54, Steffan Barszus wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----

>I've a Duron 1,1 Ghz (Morgan-duron) which has quite enough power to do
>(between 50-60 % CPU on most avis) with an enermax-powersupply and an 
>arctic-cooling Supersilent-pro TC it is quite impossible to hear
anything if 
>tv is on (sometimes the harddisk).

>But the C3 800 is maybe comparable to an 600 Mhz CPU
>whatever) if it reaches the power. The C3 has nearly no acceleration as
>others, so the C3 533 isn't even enough for playing DVD back on screen
>DVB-card it is possible to watch DVD with it, because the mpeg2 can be
>to the DVB). 

>So the statement isn't false. divx will playing better on a C3 800 then
on  a 
>166MMX. ;) But the C3 is not enough for smooth playback. Of course you
>try to use the tv-out of the epia board instead of feeding it to the
>Then the C3 should be enough.

	Well, I would use at least the C3 800Mhz and not lower.
	The board intended is the epia M9000 which has Mpeg2 decoder on
	so it would be nice if DVD playback would use this decoder or
the Mpeg decoder
	on the DVBs card. (Technotrend/Hauppauge v1.3)

	I have no intention to convert the mpeg stream to any other
format to save space.
	The device must be able to play a DVD smoothly tho and
record/play mpeg data from the
	DVBs card without artifacts/interruptions.

	This should be no problem since there are two mpeg decoders
	I wonder if the DVD player is able to use the on board decoder
or does it use only
      software decoding?

      btw : thanks to all who have posted an answer. Great job.

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