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[vdr] Re: Premote Plugin

Reinhard Walter Buchner wrote:
> Works great. In my room (35m^2) I can point the
> RCU anywhere and VDR will pick it up. Sometimes
> (rarely) it will pickup the signal as a double pressed
> button (this NEVER happens with the number
> buttons 0-9) when using the up / down buttons eg.

Perhaps these buttons have been damaged due to excess zapping :-)

> Maybe I need to relearn the keys. I haven't checked
> Oliver's source code if you can insert a delay into
> the routine to get rid of this behavoir.

See remote.c, line 149. There are some parameters which are 
used to implement a smart key repeat function [tm]. 
Since the new firmware does not support key repetition at all (sigh!)
I set them to zero for this kind of remote control...
You might want to play with the 'repeatfreq' parameter.


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