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[vdr] Re: Premote Plugin
Hi Reinhard,
RWB> Hi Michael,
>> and there's a jumper which (in my case) where
>>"off" just on the side of the ribbon cable connector.
RWB> Is there a 5V / 3V printed on the PCB? This is would
RWB> be adjust the CAM voltage. HOWEVER:
RWB> really old CAMs use 5V internally & externally
(=>>Jumper on 5v)
RWB> Newer CAMS use 5V externally and 3.3V internally
(=>>Jumper on 5v)
RWB> For the future there where some plans to make CAMs
RWB> uses 3.3V externally and 2.5V internally (=>Jumper on 3v)
RWB> This is to decrease heat during operation. To my knowledge
RWB> however there are NO CAMS which support this, so the
RWB> jumper always should be on 5V
Yes, I have that jumper in addition to the one mentioned above (which
has no markings on it at all). I have followed the traces and one side
of the jumper pin goes to the ribbon cable, and the other seems to go
to the inverting transistor (which in turn goes to the IR receiver
module). By the way, the 3/5 volt jumper where set to 5V, so your
logic makes sense ;-)
The 3/5 Volt jumper where only accessible after unscrewing the metal
housing top of the CI.
>>So I guess the ribbon cable also carries the IR receiver
>>signal? Can anyone confirm this? I don't want to jumper
>>this and find out that it shorts some vital part on the DVB-C
>>board resulting in smoke... ;-)
RWB> If the -C Version of the CI is (basically) the same as the -S
RWB> Version, this jumper is for the CAM voltage
>>(My CI is marked on the PCB (on the inside) PCCA Rev 1.6.)
RWB> If it where a -S Version I would say you are out of luck as
RWB> the 1.6 Rev doesn't work with convergence stuff. I don't
RWB> know if this also applies to the -C Version.
You mean the normal CI/CAM stuff? Well it works, but I have to reload
the firmware a couple of times before it works well (is this related
to the CI?).
My -C is a 2.1 (maybe all are?).
RWB> Greetz,
RWB> Reinhard
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