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[vdr] Re: DXR3 Card Alome without DVB Card ?

On Tuesday 24 December 2002 12:10 pm, you wrote:
> > Is it possible to use a DXR3 Card  without a DVB Card ?
> > The Gain is, to create a 'Networked-VDR-Player', e.g. for the kitchen.
> > The only need is to have some kind of Menu On Screen, that could be
> > rather simple, too.
> Yes, it is. I have this setup running for a couple of weeks now
> (vdr-developer version with dxr3 plugin). It's not very stable on my
> machine but this might be a hardware issue...

I guess this is mounting the /video directory via NFS / Samba, and does not 
allow watching live TV, only recordings...

I wonder if it would be possible to watch 'live' TV by using timeshifting on 
the main recording box and watching it 10 seconds behind on the 

Or better, if there was a multicast/streaming *client* for VDR =)

Maybe there already is, I'm just not aware of it..


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