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[vdr] Re: VDR 1.1.20 wrong symbolic links

> Erm, I've never heard of such a NFS bug and I discourage the use of the
> user space NFS server. If this is really reproducable via NFS then I
> suspect more a bad interaction between the underlying file system and
> the NFS server.
> ReiserFS is my first guess - it has a long history of NFS problems...

Here is use EXT2/3 as basse-Filesystem and NFS on both servers !

on SERVER 1 everything works allright - on SERVER 2 - i had exact the same
Problem like you !

So i moved the /video0 from SERVER2 to SERVER1 and everything is fine :-)

Klaus and i used some time to find the error - because first we thought, that
it愀 a problem of VDR.....


PS: I think it愀 a Problem with the symlink- File-name-lenght because with smaller filenames
there is no problem but if you have big filenames then you will get this error.

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