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[vdr] Re: strange effects in vdr-1.1.20 / recordings cant beviewed


On Wed, 25 Dec 2002, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

> > I have just updated from vdr 1.0.4 to 1.1.20 and I have the following
> > effect:
> > 
> > Recordings (old one, recorded with 1.04, but also new one recorded with
> > 1.1.20) cant be viewed.
> > 
> > The recording itself seems to be ok.
> > The files seems to be ok, too.
> > 
> > When I play the recording, vdr plays 1 second the (correct) audio - but
> > the screen stays black.
> > After hitting play, it does nothing.
> > 
> > When I jump 1 minute in front and back (a few times), sometimes the
> > recording can be played - but as soon as i press pause or jump or
> > something like that - same procedure (jump front and back a few times)
> > 
> > (It _could_ be, that all recordings are from the RTL group - but I am
> > not sure about that)
> > 
> > Does anyone have the same effect?
> There's already a thread about that on this list.
> You can use the old firmware (dated April 15, 2002) together with the new
> driver to replay RTL recordings. Make sure you comment out the lines
> in VDR/dvbdevice.c to avoid problems when recording.

If I do this, my VDR gets very instable :(

What is exactly the problem with RTL recordings?


 Georg Hitsch     ++ mail:
 ripe: gh231-ripe ++ web:

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