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[vdr] DVB-c channel tuning/locking does not work 100% since VDR 1.1.19

Hi all,
as you all know since VDR 1.1.19 the Tuning is a single thread of course
the channel switching is a lot faster now ..but with my DVB-c is does
not work right.
Some channels stay dark mostly when the channel is on another frequency.
Then I have to wait for 5 min or longer until the tuning is done
sometimes the tuning still did not work after an hour. When the TV stays
black in VDR 1.1.19 or 1.1.20 there appears no error message in log
files. When I switch to a "problem channel" in VDR 1.1.18 or earlier the
following appears in the logs:            switching to channel 9
ERROR channel not locked on DVB Card ..retrying
After the retry the picture appears. I heard that a driver change around
the 11-01-2002 caused that the channels are not locked right. I also
found a diff file ( ) for
dvb_frontend.c and ves1820.c witch tunes +- 0.125mhz to lock the channel
right but it does not with my card. With this patch no channel tuning
works anymore. 
Does anyone have the same Problem and found a workaround or something
like that?
Any hint is welcome!!!

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