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[vdr] Re: Autorepeat function of the built-in remote port of Haupauge R. 2.1

Hi Rene,

RB wrote:
> Rene Bartsch wrote:
> > Plugins do not work anymore!

OE answered:
> Obviously, this is not true. :-)
> Please be more specific.

I'll ditto what Oliver said. I did try a few different
firmwares (again ;รถ)) and the only plugin that didn't
always work was remote. For me VDR became unusable
in many Dpram / Root combos because the ARM was
crashing regularly (or in case of using the windows
firmware ;o)) it didn't even get to VDR). Even with the
15.04 Root I had many more crashes than normal,
but I never had probs with the plugins (as long as VDR
& the DVB where up well).


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