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[vdr] Re: Subtitles

I have not tested with subtitules, but I can display normal teletext with my tv-set teletext decoder normaly (if channels.conf has teletext PID - with vdr-1.0.4), but, how to watch normal subititules (not teletext)?

erik svensson wrote:
> Yes i have found that patch for 1.0.4 but im running
> 1.1.21 and havent manage to find a patch for
> subtitles.

I was asking the same question sometime ago, I got this answer.
Appears that some hacking is required :)

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Yes. You need to program the decoding and displaying of subtitles by
yourself. Finnish terrestial channels use these "bitmap" style subtitles
(DVB subtitles).

HTV DVB-C paytv channels use "teletext subtitles", that are a bit easier
to decode. There is a support modification for teletext subtitles in
1.0.4, but no 1.1.x plugin. I was looking in to decoding teletext
subtitles on VDR 1.1.x, but my current work involves lot's of programming,
so I don't have too much energy for open source projects. ;-(
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Lauri Tischler, Network Admin
Tel: +358-9-47846331 * Anna kaikkien kissojen kukkia *
Fax: +358-9-47846500 * Kiinalainen sananlasku *
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