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[vdr] VDR developer version 1.1.24

VDR developer version 1.1.24 is now available at

The changes since version 1.1.23:

- Improved CAM handling (thanks to Reinhard Walter Buchner for a great deal of help
  in debugging this). It is now possible to insert the CAM in any of the two slots,
  to insert and remove it while VDR is running and even to have two CAMs inserted.
- Turning SI filtering off and on when switching channels.
- Timers are now processed even if an OSD menu is open (except for menus that
  explicitly handle timers).

This version requires the experimental DVB driver from

which is the CVS 'HEAD' version from 2003-02-09 with a new, experimental
firmware that allows the application to connect to the CAM through the
"Link Layer" protocol.

Again I have to apologize for not having enough time to look into more
patches and fixes, but this CAM stuff really is a time consumer...

If you are a CAM user, please take a look at the file

and test the CAM support according to the instructions given there. Please
send me the results of your tests, formatted in the same way as the existing
entries in 'cams.txt', so that I can keep the list up-to-date.

Reinhard Walter Buchner has sent me some last minute problem reports, which
say that if the ARM crashes while a recording is going on, the CAM support
gets scewed up. Also, you should not try to do a CAM reset while an encrypted
channels is being recorded.

Have fun!

Klaus Schmidinger

Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
D-84568 Pleiskirchen, Germany           URL:

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