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[vdr] pre-announce: new streaming plugin

Hello list,

I'd like to pre-announce my new streaming-plugin, now that the control 
protocol works I am pretty eager that finishing it in a first version will 
not take too long now.

It will be a single plugin split up into components. 

The Server component (when enabled - configurable) starts together with VDR 
and listens for control connections and has a protocol similar to SVDRP. When 
a channel is requested, it looks if any available card can receive it, and a 
data connection is opened to transfer the video data to the client.

The Client component (not yet started to implement) will bring up it's own 
(VDR-like) menu, where you can control the remote VDR. If the server tells 
the client that a channel is currently unavailable, it will show a similar 
message to VDR's "Channel not available". The Client is supposed to be 
implemented as a device, so you can use a VDR with only a dxr3-card (or other 
Output-Device-Plugins) as a client.

The protocol allows to write other clients (controlled via mplayer for 
example) as well. This could be an mplayer window and another window where 
the control is done, or similar.

I'd like to hear about my concept - and ideas will be appreciated, especially 
when delivered before I implement something different;).

The Protocol is (yet) Unicast, I'll think about implementing a 
multicast-capable version which knows by itself if a stream is already 
transported or if a new stream has to be sent. But as this should be a 
complete client/server solution, I don't know if that will happen really 

This way you could build up one VDR-Server (with 1-n Nova-Cards) and 1-n 
Clients with dxr3-cards (or even no mpeg-hardware at all, once an 
X11-Output-Plugin or similar is created). 

Sascha Volkenandt

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