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[vdr] Re: tech patch for vdr 1.1.24

Reinhard Walter Buchner wrote:

The options are realtime (not compiler options).
:)   !!! good

Well, it is quite different from what you wrote ;o))  (e.g. it uses
color bars, and not "| |") The core routine needed a complete
re-write, because the new driver (from NEWSTRUCT on up) no
longer sends out the SS, SNR, BER & UNC values as something
useable, but rather only as a number from 0 to 65535. This means
the routine now needs to calculate the dB & dBm and percent.

I remember when I first asked about this on the linuxdvb ml; they told me a new branch of the drivers would have been out in weeks... newstruct. Until much more recent times, VDR didn't use it, however.

There should be an advantage with newstruct: all the frontends are supposed to report the same *range* of values. With "oldstruct" drivers every revision of the card reported different range of values, some from 0 to 256 others from 0 to 2^16...

P.S. my very first patch DIDN'T output the |||| symbols. That was a patch to my code...

let's say, there is only one thing left from my original code: the name!



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