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[vdr] RE : Re: Making a VCD out of a VDR-Recording

> > Or, if you use windows, use dvd2svcd which does create the 
> VCD or SVCD 
> > (even multiple CDs) in a simple and easy process, directly 
> from .vdr 
> > files.
> I donĀ“t know DVD2SVCD - do you have a URL of this Software ?
> Do you tryed this programm ?
> What happen if i have 001.vdr-005.vdr ?


You can check it here:

Or go on for a lot of info about (S)VCD conversion.
I use it for all my VDR->SVCD conversion as tosvcd is very simple and
works nicely but lack (actually, Linux itself) multi-pass mpeg2

For 001.vdr-005.vdr, I simply do a "cat *.vdr>result.vdr" (this makes a
big file) and encode from windows XP (files >4Go with NTFS).
Or, if you have win98/Me, you can install samba on your VDR so that the
video directory is seen as a "network drive", thus avoiding to transfer
the whole stuff, and being a work-around for the 4Gb file limit.


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