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[vdr] Re: probs with dxr3 install

On 03/06/03 11:10, Bläser, Lars wrote:

From: Simeon Walker []
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 2:18 PM
Subject: [vdr] Re: probs with dxr3 install

I think the problem is that you haven't got the right modules loaded
that are required by the em8300 modules.

If you install the modules into the correct place and then run depmod
you can then use modprobe to load the modules correctly.

thanks, the module soundmod was in place (dont know why, it did not load it simply when needed - thought thats the meaning of modular kernel

If you use insmod it will load what you tell it, but if you use modprobe it will load what is needed.


ldm now inits the driver

with the dvb driver (16.02.03) with make it complains about a missing demux.h (8300.h tried to get it from the include dir of the driver (DVB/include/linux/dvb) but there is no demux.h and after that there are much more messages/errors

#include "dvbdev.h"
#include <linux/dvb/video.h>
#include <linux/dvb/audio.h>
#include <linux/dvb/demux.h>
#include <linux/dvb/dmx.h>
#include <linux/dvb/ca.h>
#include <linux/dvb/osd.h>

i did not expexted to have so much trouble to simply "make" the driver

Simeon Walker,                      email:
School of Biological Sciences,      phone: +44 (0)1248 383702
University of Wales, Bangor,        fax: +44 (0)1248 382569
Gwynedd, LL57 2UW, UK.              www:

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