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[vdr] Re: AW: EPG scan cause high load and AC3 drop outs

> > Maybe somewhere a lock/unlock pair is missed at the output ring buffer
> > or one of the IRQ handlers isn't fully thread safe.  OR ... something
> > is broken in the firmware, that means the TS stream mapped into
> > PC memory space, is sometimes broken (maybe a temperature problem or
> > a real firmware bug).
> Am I right in assuming that the patch you posted last thursday (2003-03-27)
> is supposed to fix this?

Yep ... I use a similar patch with 1.0.4 and old driver with NEWSTRUCT
firmware and now with 1.1.26 together with DVB 2003-03-18.  The only
problem is: I've only one card and can not say if this works with
more than one card ;^) ... nevertheless the changes in the timeouts helps
to avoid longer `Denkpausen' after a failed I2C transfer or register r/w
action.  Also the request_mem_region/release_mem_region should help to
protect the used memory region from other drivers on the PCI bus
(e.g. sound and hard disk drivers).

Maybe I should also port some other patches I'm using with the old driver
(e.g. to get error cases in the interrupt handler upto the user space in
the ring buffer of replay a/v).


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