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[vdr] Re: videotext out to tv?

On Sun, Apr 06, 2003 at 03:48:06PM +0200, Ulrich Gierschner wrote:
> Hi,
> where is the vdr-faq :-)
> I have a TV Set with teletext  since yesterday, and now I would like to use 
> it with my vdr.
> How do I get Teletext Output which can be decoded with a normal TV Set? Is it 
> a driver option only?

Make sure the teletext pids are in your channels.conf. 
(The channels.conf posted this weekend in the NVOD thread contains 
some teletext pids).
As long as you don't use any special plugin (like the teletext-plugin)
the teletext should be sent to the TV set.

There were some versions of the driver that didn't reinsert the teletext
but i think this shouldn't be the case anymore.



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