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[vdr] Re: "vdr: no primary device found - giving up!" withVDR-1.1.26 and no A/V-stream with 1.1.25

Am Son, 2003-04-06 um 15.47 schrieb Manuel Hartl:
> hi
> > 3x Satelco Standard PCI DVB-S (=Hauppauge WinTV Nova-S)
> > 
> > I've tested linux-dvb-2003-02-08, linux-dvb-2003-02-16 and yesterdays
> > CVS with VDR-1.1.17, 1.1.25, 1.1.26 in each combination. None of them
> > works.
> > 
> > But I had this system running with VDR-1.1.17 under RedHat7.3 (don't
> > know which driver it was).
> > 
> > Can anyone give a hint?
> how do you install the driver? make insmod? did you make a kernel for your system?
> can you use other programs to tune a channel?

As it seems a DVB-card or anntenna-wiring is broken. Now I don't have
crashes anymore with VDR-1.1.25 and today's DVB-CVS.

But VDR-1.1.26 still complains about primary device not found.

This might be a bug in the new scan-functions for primary-devices.

Can anyone confirm a low-budget-system without MPEG-decoder working with


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