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[vdr] Re: bash problem in runvdr


Zuliani Guido <> schrieb(en)/wrote:

> 	./vdr -Pdvd -P"mp3 -m /video/plugins/" -P"mplayer - m
> /video/plugins/ -M /video/plugins/"
> I want to use the same command in runvdr, but (as aspected) " cause
> problem... I tried a lot of combination .... but I could not find a
> correct syntax in place of (****)
> ----------------------------------------------------- runvdr 
> VDRPRG="/usr/src/VDR/vdr" 
> VDRCMD="$VDRPRG -L /usr/src/VDR/PLUGINS/lib -Pdvd -P(****)  -w 60 -s
> /root/shutdown $*" 
> ......
> ......
> while (true) 
> ----------------------------------------------------- runvdr 
>  I tried somethings like:

Could you try to use either:

VDRCMD='/usr/src/VDR/vdr -L /usr/src/VDR/PLUGINS/lib -Pdvd -P"mp3 -m
/video/plugins/" -P"mplayer - m /video/plugins/ -M
/video/plugins/"  -w 60 -s >/root/shutdown $*'

(all in one single quoted variable) or a construct like the following
(breaking the quotation into different parts. Make sure quotation is
properly done in pairs...):

VDRCMD="$VDRPRG"' -L /usr/src/VDR/PLUGINS/lib -Pdvd -P(****)  -w 60 -s
/root/shutdown $*'

Hope it helps - good luck!

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