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[vdr] Re: ANNOUNCE: vdrchannels-0.0.4

Ralf Klueber wrote:
What about the possibility to enter regular expressions in the vdrchannels.conf? So I could say:
and all matching channels are inserted here.
I had this in mind.

A definition like
PW $1:Premiere ([0-9]*)
(Perl enthusiast could read that ;-))
would be possible, but what about the order. The order would be fe. alphabetic, but than it would be
Premiere 1
Premiere 10
Premiere 2

OK, good point. But then you could insert them all or insert two regexp:
PW $1:Premiere ([0-9])
PW $1:Premiere (1[0-9])
so order would be OK again (I think ;-)

And what I had in my script is a negation-flag to NOT show a channel
will exclude all Astra-Channels, even from the :_others section.

OK, that could be a new feature. Suggestion: What would be about a ":_deny" section and every Channel
listed behind would not be used in the ":_others" section?
Yes, that's a good idea, "Make it so" ;-)
Here the "regexp" solution would be really helpfull to drop the Astra.*, Kiosque.* and so on channels.


Dirk Melchers.

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