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[vdr] Re: MP3/MPlayer plugin problem

Juri Haberland wrote:

Have you tried to use directly, e.g.
./ /some/video
(but you have to stop vdr before this, or it cannot work)

This works just fine, thats why I think that the mplayer plugin is just
unable to find the file..
I thought it would be enough to give det -M parameter to the plugin...

Try to run the stuff from inittab manually. See if it throws a warning.

I've tried that, nothin happens,
vdr has nothing to say, it seems that VDR accepts my parameters and so on.
Tried to start it manually with a lot of different configs without any result.

However, mplayer(the plugin) does seem to have some troubles listing the contents of my Movie directory
when I start it manuallt, but that I think is a problem with my samba config...


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