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[vdr] Re: plugin: get current OSD font height

Marcel Wiesweg <> wrote:

> Am Freitag, 18. April 2003 21:42 schrieb Clemens Kirchgatterer:
> > is there a function to get the font size of the OSD? i browsed the
> > vdr source, but could not find anything suitable. but, maybe i'm
> > just blind.
> Do you mean
> cOsd::LineHeight()  for the font's height and
> cOsd::CellWidth()  for an average character width or
> cOsd::Width(uchar) for a specific character's width and
> cOsdBase::Width(const char *s) , not static, for the width of a string

yes i saw them too, but in can't access them from within a plugin, where
i just have a pointer to the global cOsdBase object. thus, i can
calculate the width of as string with cOsdBase::Width() but the Height
stays unknown. klaus?

thx for replying anyway ...

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