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[vdr] Re: Easy convert .vdr files to dvd(mpeg2) ?

Am Sonntag, 20.04.03 um 15:17 Uhr schrieb Markus:

hmm, of course i could use pvastrumento , but then i have to use it on my daddy's pc (-> only last option! ).
because i "only" own a PC with Linux&VDR on it and a Mac with MacOS X (BSD) on it,
so Software or Tips/Tricks which are usable either under Linux or under MacOS X would be nice :-)
ds.jar runs very well under OSX (Use the 1.3.1 java binary at /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.3.1/Commands/ java). Most of the time you will have to transcode the video Stream to fit 720/704x576. Then you can import the files directly in DVD Studio Pro and Author your DVD.


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