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[vdr] Re: [Bug Report] No Recordings visible during ...

> > This happens here with vdr 1.1.25. Has anyone similar experience?
> Yes.
> It didn't happen during a recording, just normal viewing.
> In the year I use VDR it happened three or four times, and I can't
> reproduce it, but I can remember that this even happened in 1.0.4!
> Sometimes just a couple recordings were missing, once even all of them. If
> you leave the menue and reenter everything's back to normal again.

Same for me, twice if I remember correctly since I use VDR, that is in the 
last four months. No recordings shown.
It always happened when I was logged in via SSH, had played a bit with plugins 
and mounted the root directory via NFS. It has never happened during "normal 
operation". Because of this and because it is almost impossible to debug I 
did not and do not care.


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