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[vdr] Re: autopid .. conditional, if rid==9999

Sven Goethel wrote:

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how about just adding the conditional update, e.g.:

	if ( ( channel && channel->rid==9999 ) || !channel )

so rid must be 9999, or the channel is new ..
i like the idea (maybe not 9999). However, it should IMHO be possible to overule that with an setup option.

how about this ? (-> patch attached, against 1.1.29-autopid-2)
i'll  intergrate it into the next version.

and how to easy avoid scanning at all, if rid != 9999 ?
or ain't it much time consuming ...
like that too.

I did not notice any channel switch delay cause by the patch.The SDT is repeated quite often, so finding it should take only a few usecs. But bad reception could alter that dramaticaly.


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