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[vdr] Re: Minor Bug in VDR 1.1.26, maybe also in 1.1.29?
Jörg Knitter wrote:
> > Jörg Knitter wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > Yesterday, I started a recording and went into timeshifting mode by
> > > selecting the file and pressing the green button. Because of other
> > > things I had to do I set the playback to pause mode (key 'down').
> > > Then, I stopped the recording first before I continued playing the
> file.
> > > The result: The recording did not play to the end. I had to stop the
> > > playback and start it again to get it in full length. It seems to
> me,
> > > that when I go into pause mode, the recoding length is not being
> > > updated?
> > >
> > > Sorry, that I still did not update to 1.1.29 to check it there...
> >
> > Take a look at cIndexFile::CatchUp(). In there the index file is
> closed
> > if it hasn't been written for more than MININDEXAGE seconds. Maybe
> this
> > doesn't work as expected in some situations. I have increased that
> time
> > in the past, because I also had that effect, but I would believe that
> > the current value of 5 minutes(!) should be long enough. Nevertheless
> > I think it still happened here once.
> I was sure that my break was more than 5 minute :-) If you have a call
> or have to do something else for a few minutes, it´s easy to reach this
> 5 minutes. I agree that you could stop playback in this case, but
> especially in timeshift mode, you might not want to see what coming up
> next in the broadcast you are currently recording.
These five minutes are not (or at least shouldn't be) related to whether
you watch or pause replay. When the _recording_ process stops updating the
file, the _replay_ process can stop catching up with it. That's the basic
idea - but apparently there's something wrong in that area...
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