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[vdr] Re: problem using 2DVB-cards with vdr

> Hello Olaf,
> I am interrested in hearing if your shielding test works, and so
> are probably many other. Please post you results on the list,
> regardless if you manage to improve it or not.
> Good luck!
> /ragge

 Hi Ragnar, Christian,

oh god, i'm a bad programmer, no chance to patch the source codes by me ;-)
Yes i will report my results as soon as possible,
but I'm absend for the next week,
so i have to stop my "researches" temporary.
Newest informations are:
Hauppauge uses different tuners for the Nova card.
May be, there is a context concerning this problem.
Shielding tests are the last hope, i think it's not a serious solution.
It is unprobably to fix it on this way, because i've tested it in an old 
Compaq server with many PCI slots and large distances between them,
but the f... drop outs appears as well.

best regards Olaf

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