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[vdr] Re: DVB subtitling


I started such a project (dvbsubs) a while ago. I got as far as displaying something on the DVB card's OSD, but there is still lots of work to do.

It also dumps an XML representation of the subtitle stream to stdout at the same time as it decodes it - this could be very useful when you are trying to understand the specification.

It's in CVS at - follow the "CVS" link for instructions on accessing sourceforge CVS repositories.

At the moment it writes the data direct to the DVB card's OSD. A useful first step at improving this code would be to use a graphics library such as libpng to save the bitmaps to files. This will aid debugging a lot as well as enabling the subtitles to be converted to DVD format (another eventual aim of mine).

Contact me off-list if you want any help.



Jan Ekholm wrote:

Has anyone worked on implementing DVB subtitles as a plugin for VDR? Not
teletext ones, but the "real" ones, as defined in ETSI 300 743. I'd be
interested in helping out and at the same time learn some DVB technology.
Has anyone started upon such a quest or know of some old dead/dying


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