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[vdr] Re: svdrp error in combination with vcron and master-timer

On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 04:08:12PM +0200, Alexander Damhuis wrote:
> Dear all,
> Hello Klaus,
> I was just playing around with master-timer Version 0.5.11.
> Following the instructions I copied everything correctly and tested it,
> starting the manually. It worked fine. As soon as I try to use
> my cron, the following appears in /var/log/syslog:
> May  8 15:59:00 video CRON[9815]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/bin/
> >> /video0/vdr.start.log 2>&1)
> May  8 15:59:00 video vdr[1313]: connect from, port 34037 -
> accepted
> May  8 15:59:00 video vdr[1313]: ERROR (svdrp.c,351): Broken pipe
> May  8 15:59:00 video vdr[1313]: closing SVDRP connection
> May  8 15:59:02 video vdr[1313]: connect from, port 34042 -
> accepted
> May  8 15:59:03 video vdr[1313]: lost connection to SVDRP client
> May  8 15:59:03 video vdr[1313]: ERROR (svdrp.c,351): Broken pipe
> May  8 15:59:03 video vdr[1313]: closing SVDRP connection
> Here is my crontab -l
> # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
> # (- installed on Thu May  8 11:37:11 2003)
> # (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp
> $)
> 53   8,15,23    *       *       *
> /usr/local/src/epg2timers/update_timers >> /video0/vdr.start.log 2>&1
> 59      15      *       *       *       /usr/local/bin/ >>
> /video0/vdr.start.log 2>&1
> The funny thing is, that epg2timers is working properly, and they both
> work from a console.
> Does anyone have any idea ? What das this ERROR (svdrp.c,351): Broken
> pipe mean?

What appears in vdr.start.log?

Bis denn

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