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[vdr] Re: EPG for UK users?

On Friday, May 9, 2003, at 12:48  pm, Gavin Hamill wrote:

I found a debian woody source for xmltv, and it's currently downloading
listings (very slowly..) from the Radio Times website - I got XML::Twig
errors when I tried to use the Ananova grabber - yes that perl module
*is* installed :)
Yeah, there are Debian packages for the various Perl modules - just make sure you've installed them.

Aside from that, I'll see what happens when the RT grabber finishes =)
I never tried the Radio Times grabber.

In my experience, the Annanova one was flawed because:

  a) the Ananova listings tend to change

  b) MotorsTV (my favourite channel!) isn't listed

Anyone fancy writing an XMLTV scraper for

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