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[vdr] Re: DVD plugin menu problem.

Cyrille Grange wrote:

Hi all,
i 've got DVD menu problem. When i'm watching a DVD, everything's ok (css) but on menus, i can't see "cursor" and then i can't know where the cursor is. Sometimes, i can see blue or green area but not on the good place on the screen. i'm using libdvdread0.9.3 from debian stable 3.0 and libdvdcss-1.2.6. It's happening with vdr-1.0.4 or 1.1.2x and all DVB driver i test (recommended ones). My DVB card is the Nexus one.
Any ideas ?

A clean complet compilation, including css, dvdread, dvdnav and a52, solve the problem with vdr 1.0.4 and 1.1.30.
For liba52-0.7.4, a "./configure --enable-shared" was needed.


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