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[vdr] Re: AW: Does anybody know of a vbox client pluin for vdr?

Am Montag, 26. Mai 2003 21:15 schrieben Sie:
> > I've a vbox configuration that sends me an email with the MP3 attached.
> > c7.2
> Hmm this is nice, this kind of thing i was looking for too.( mo3 encoded
> mail from vbox, yet i get only a mail without attachment)
> > it should be easy to adapt that script to store the MP[2|3] file in a
> > directory
> > and to play that with the MP3-Plugin or play directly over DVB if you
> > reencode
> > as MP2.
> >
> > Maybe it's also possible to save the reencoded file in the
> > Recording-Directory
> > so it's easy to see which calls you've heared and you can delete them
> > also ;-)
> Hmm this would only fullfill some of my reqirements but would be a little
> bit easier to implement...
> i also would like to control the vbox via vbox control files etc.
> does anybody else have interrest in such a plugin?

Interest , yes absolutly. I have thought some time to learn c++ to write such 
a plugin. I'm currently in the phase to learn some c++ ;) My thoughts are:

- use some code from mp3plugin (for replay) 
- No need to change the vbox-script would be nice
- using no network, but the /var/spool/vbox/<user>/incoming directly would be 
good (like kdeam works) This would eventually make it possible to use another 
AM-application for it too (voicegetty, capisuite, capircvd ?)
- isdnlog/textfile for missed calls ? 

To make it short, yes i have interest. But I have at the moment not the 
knowledge that would make this an easy task. Maybe my knowledge grows enough 
and there can be enough ripped off from other plugins ? Again, i will not 
start it myself in the next days ... If I can help, would be fine :)


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