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[vdr] Re: BUG in Broken stream detection ??

Tilo Renkl wrote:
> Hi Klaus,
> > Version 1.1.33 with driver 2003-05-24 runs rock solid here.
> >
> > I just spent a whole evening watching old and new recordings, doing
> > time shift and skipping forward/back and doing fast forward
> > and back - without
> > the slightest problem.
> >
> > My primary device is a Siemens DVB-S 1.3, and the secondary
> > device is a WinTV NOVA-S.
> > Could it be that those amoung oyu who report problems have
> > DVB-C or DVB-T cards?
> > Just an idea, no real reason for asking...
> To say rock solid, the system has to run at least 3 - 5 days without
> a restart. :-)

Well, I've been running 1.1.3x in every day use ever since and had
no problems at all.

> My VDR (1.1.28 with dvb-20030523) restarts at the beginning of about
> every third recording :-(
> For me this is not a big problem, because this never happens if there is
> already a recording running and a second one starts.
> I use VDR since 0.65 and my most stable installation was 1.0.4 with
> that mega patch applied. Since that my system is not that stable
> anymore and I know for sure that my hardware is OK.
> My setup is:  - DVB-S 1.3 and DVB-S 2.1 both already changed
>                   - Suse 8.1/2.4.19
>                   - P4 2,4 GHz/512 MB/640 GB
> No idea why this happens here.
> Tilo
> ps.: Klaus, this destroyed recording only happen, if there is no user
> activity
>      for some time (EPG scan is already disabled !!)

Since everything is running so smooth here it's really hard for me
to do anything about this.

About the restarts at the beginning of a recording: maybe you could test
what I suggested to Reinhard under "VDR Bug: Question on CAM behavior":

Please try if increasing 

#define MAXNONUSEFULDATA (10*1024*1024)

to, say, 100MB or even more makes a difference, or just comment out
the lines

        if (exitOnFailure)

(both in remux.c). Maybe it just takes too long until it gets decrypted
data. You might also want to check your log file to see whether in these
cases you got an entry "ERROR: no useful data seen within nnn byte of video stream".


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
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